On Saturday February 22nd, we will gather in Louisville, Kentucky for our 2025 Great Lakes Conclave at Indiana University Southeast. It will be an eventful day of sharing ideas, meaningful discussion and great fellowship.
The Great Lakes Conclave will start promptly at 9:00 am on Saturday, February 22nd. Registration will open at 8:30am. Attendees should plan to arrive at Indiana University Southeast by 8:40am.
As in prior years, we will be using a social media hashtag. Each attendee is encouraged to use #KSGLC25
We will be gathering for the 9:00 a.m. Opening Session in the University Center North's Ballroom. A campus map is available here.
Date: Saturday February 22, 2025
When: 8:30 AM EDT
Where: Indiana University Southeast, University Center North Ballroom - 1300 ALUMNI DRIVE, NEW ALBANY, IN 47150-6405
Parking: For Brothers driving this weekend, parking is available on campus. Check back closer to the Great Lakes Conclave for specific parking informatinon.
Attire: Dress for Great Lakes Conclave will be business formal (a.k.a. pinwear). This means button down dress shirt (not a polo), dress slacks, dress socks, dress shoes, and a tie (necktie, bowtie, or bolo tie). Suits or blazers are welcome but not required. Sweaters are acceptable, but optional, in addition to your dress shirt and tie.
Bring: Bring Pen and Paper
Social Media: Use #KSGLC25 on your social media platforms Tweet #KSGLC25
Get Ready For The Best Great Lakes Conclave Yet Brothers!